OK, so I have had this idea for about a month now and just never got around to sharing it. Then a few weeks ago I got an email that reminded me so here we go.... I have a few ideas for mission projects if you have a group that needs one. I think both of these ideas are good because your children can get involved.
#1 Collect Childrens DVDs for the Nate Saint Memorial School Library: The mission school here, Nate Saint Memorial School, has a wonderful library, but like most mission schools it doesn't have a lot of resources for new items. The video collection is about 98% VHS and I think only 1 or 2 families have VHS machines. Most of us use our computers to play movies (DVD)anyway. The school has decided to get rid of the VHS collection. That will leave the library with about 5 movies. Your group could collect new or used DVDs for the library (veggie tales, cartoons, ect)
#2 Collect Kids Meal Toys : The hospital always needs small toys for children who have been hospitalized. Your group could collect the wonderful toys (that usually end up on the floor of your car) and send them to children in the hospital. The above picture of of Isabella at a McDonalds in Quito (she was so excited). She still does not understand why we don't have one here in Shell and keeps giving us reasons why we should. I have to say she has a strong arguement.
#3 Collect Haribo Gummy Bears: While this idea has no ministerial value at all, I think this is the best idea because that is exactly what I am craving right now. I can even tell you what aisle they are on at Target if you need any help finding them.
...McD's...fast food!? Im soooo jealous!