Thursday, October 13, 2011

Journey to the Zaparos

Today, I've gotten the opportunity to fly out with 2 other missionaries to a Zaparo community close to the Peruvian border (I've outlined where I think that it's located as best as I could). I'll be there until tomorrow afternoon giving a couple of bible lessons from John and Mark of the New Testament. The program is one that was designed by New Tribes Mission to present God's message in 52 lessons and let the community form a decision about their salvation and their place in God's kingdom. The community has been part of this study for some time now and we're getting close to the end. It'll be my first opportunity to take part in this study and I'm very excited.

I'll also be bringing in some medications in case someone needs medical attention. Please pray for a safe flight and a productive time there. Please pray for Chad and Wilson, the other two that I will accompany. Please pray for the study time and that I not 'get in the way' of His message. Please also pray for my family while I'm gone. The weather is perfect today so there shouldn't be any delays and I look forward to sharing my experiences.

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