I know it must seem strange that I am posting this after we have
already been here 3 years, but even after more than 3 years there are
times we still feel the strains and aches of living in a foreign
country and I'm afraid we always will to some extent. We will always
stick out everywhere we go, we will always (well everyone except Joe)
sound like a foreigner when we speak and we will always have questions
about cultural issues.....and some days that is just more than you want
to deal with. Some days that is just irritating and/or overwhelming.
But (and yes, this is a big but), that is part of being here and (apart
from how it feels some days) that is a small part of our lives here.
We pray that those things that Satan uses to overwhelm us fall into the
background noise so that we hear God leading us- leading us to follow
him and do what he has calls us to. So, yes, Life does begin at the
end of our comfort zones, because within your comfort zone, you are the
one doing things. It is only outside of your comfort zone that God is
able to take over and lead us to the things that amaze, enlighten and
make us more like Him.