Sunday, April 6, 2014

Flexibility is Such a Dirty Word

Shannon over at Sweet Blessings posted this today and it really spoke to me.  Shannon has put together this wonderful graphic you can download along with lots of other great sayings.

The job that I trained for, scientific research is pretty precise and require a lot of planning, so unless you really mess things up, there isn't much of a reason to flex.  On the other (extremely different and far away) other hand, my second and third jobs, mom and missionary require extreme flexibility and sometimes....... I don't want to flex..... even if I can.  I just don't want to anymore. I'm done.  And (please don't tell my kids I just started a sentence with And.) so what happens?  I snap.  I snap at my husband.  I snap at the kids or the dog, or some poor person on the street who just happened to walk in front of me.  So even though it isn't a beatitude in the truest sense of the word, blessed are the flexible.

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