My wonderful husband spent all day Saturday building a wooden crate for the large items we are sending to Ecuador. We aren't taking any furniture, but we are taking our bikes, vacuum cleaner and such. The Texas heat was out in full force and with not a cloud in the sky, it was a scorcher, but he persisted and viola!, we have a fully functioning, very sturdy crate.
We then spent Monday filling it, and I mean FILLING it. My packing skills were put to the test to try and get everything we had left in the crate, but for the most part we made it fit. I have visions of opening it and everything falling out on us, but at least its all in there.
Yesterday we took all of our freight to Conway Shipping here in Waco and they sent it out to Houston for us.
**Please pray that it will all get to Ecuador and do so in a timely manner**
yeah! Good work!