Friday, March 5, 2010

40 Days of Praise Challenge

Ok, so right off I have to say that this is a very different post for me. I don't normally put forth challenges to you guys, because, well..... I think blogging in and of itself is narcissistic enough without challenging those of you who are nice enough to read (and comment on) our ramblings. But this is really a challenge to myself so I thought I would just put it out there for anyone who is interested....
OK, so enough of that on to the point. Right after Christmas I was talking to my friend Lena who is serving in Uganda right now. She arrived in Uganda a few weeks after we got here so we have shared lots of "learning to cope" stories. Lena and I were both going through a rather rough patch and were commiserating about how almost everything made us mad, sad or angry- Oh yeah I forgot to warn you this is also a VERY honest post- Anyway, Lena had a great idea to spend the next few months just praising God. She was going to keep a calender and everyday write down praises- no complaints, no irritations, no pet peeves, just praises. I told her that was a wonderful idea and that I should join her.... Well, I guess the phrase, "better late than never" fits here. Yes, it is the beginning of March and I am just beginning this process, but I have a plan, and everyone know that when you have a plan- well..... you are less likely to fail miserably or procrastinate profusely, so here I go.
For the next 40 days I will write down in a journal only praises- praising God for who he is, that he actually wants to know me, that he is willing to use ME!, etc. And heres the kicker: I am posting this on the blog so everyone can help keep me accountable. I even made my own journal, because anyone who knows me well, knows that nothing motivates me better than a good craft project. If you would like to join me in my 40 Days of Praise, let me know. I'll even make you a journal if you would like :)


  1. does that include a journal for me too :)
    I'll be honest...i did it for about 5 weeks and the last 3-4 weeks i have been a slacker...your not alone...thanks for the reminder that i need to kick it back into gear :)
    miss you girl!

  2. This is terrific! Lately I have felt like I never accomplish anything. This will be great motivation.

  3. Here is a praise for you to get started... I am thankful that God has equiped you to go forth as missionaries and serve HIM in Ecuador. It may sound very simple but consider it carefully. How many people (really now) do you know that could do it? God gives each of us our own challenges. I look forward to seeing your posts about this. I can already tell you it will be an encouragement to me.

