Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our First Guest

The first night we spent in the house I was mopping down the hall after the kids had fallen asleep when I saw something move. Our first guest, or maybe this had been his house and we were visiting, but there he was a very green little frog with large eyes. Since then, we have found at least one every night. We think they are coming up through the pipes... makes going to the bathroom very exciting!


  1. Is that an actual picture of the frog? Ugh.. Stay safe.

  2. yes, it is the frog. He wasn't very big, but he was very fast!

  3. ahhh so cute! We found one living in our water purifier...that wasnt as cute!

  4. Oh my goodness! He is so stinkin' cute...he almost looks fake. :) I'm sure Tiao loves it! Bet it's keeping you on your toes. :)

  5. Oh my gosh. Someone tried to break in your house? Maybe you should record your dog barking so it sound like there is more than one. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  6. I would not survive! I am deathly afraid of frogs...just look at that picture makes me cringe a little bit...ugh!
